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Mobile Dent Solutions

What is PDR?

Paintless dent repair is the craft of reshaping a vehicle's metal body panels with a series of rods and bars, knock downs and hammers, lights and mirrors, and sometimes even glue and glue tabs. This type of service is ideal for dents or creases within a vehicle's body panels, doors, hoods, trunks, A pillars, roofs and fenders, where the paint is not damaged or coming off. The beauty of today's cars is that with the way that they are built the metal has a sort of memory, and when it's bent out of shape it creates pressure within the panel and when that pressure is released the panel wants to return to its original form. Paintless dent repair is intended for metal body panels, steel or aluminum, on rare occasions you can work a little with plastic as well, however I do try to stay away from doing it as it runs the risk of making a hole or warp in the plastic and also cracking and damaging the paint. Paintless dent repair can be used for dents big or small, in all sorts of locations, however on some occasions perfection cannot be promised and those expectations will be set and if the expectations cannot be met the proper recommendation will be made.

Benifits of using Mobile Dent Solutions

●  Keeps the body of the vehicle completely original, no bondo, no painting and

keeps original body panels.

●  My services do not report to Carfax or any other vehicle history service.

●  Can save you hundreds of dollars compared to going to a body shop.

●  I come to you! My services can be performed in your drive way, garage or

parking lot.

●  Can be done in hours or even minutes.

●  Can potentially raise trade in value.

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 10am - 6pm

Sun: 10am - 3pm

Contact Us

  • Instagram - White Circle

Tel: +1 (239)-961-7025

© 2021 by Mobiledentsolustionsswfl

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